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Opening the SAT C60 DB PRO NxT SL2: A Full Dissection by The Renowned Engineer, Hambini

Opening the SAT C60 DB PRO NxT SL2: A Full Dissection by The Renowned Engineer, Hambini

The name Hambini is certainly a familiar name to the ears of both seasoned and beginner cyclists throughout the community. Starting his YouTube channel on May 2006, the UK-based engineer has made a name for himself by making straightforward and objective criticism of various bikes and bicycle parts - both from high end to niche brands from all around the world. Positioning himself as a user but with engineering knowledge, his criticism has become a helpful guide for both cyclists and companies alike - to know what to get and expect, and how to improve services and quality respectively.

Recently, we have had the honor of having our SAT C60 DB PRO NxT SL2 tested by Hambini himself. As our latest and currently most popular wheelset lineup to date, nothing is better than having the chance to know what to maintain and what to improve from the NxT SL2 wheelset. With Hambini's expert knowledge, we are sure that we would be able to achieve the goal of maintaining and further improving the quality of our products.

With that being said, we would like to proudly announce and show you the results of the testing conducted by Hambini! The test was conducted with a strict standard and the environment of the testing was documented with details. The results of the testing highlighted three main items observed on the SAT C60 DB PRO NxT SL2: its balance, its spoke and hubs mechanical properties, and its aerodynamics performance. Today, we will be breaking down each highlight with details.

Balance of The Wheelset

With the characteristics of 60mm rim depth, 23mm internal rim width, and 30.6mm external rim width, an optimal balance was found in both front and rear wheels. Out of balance moments were carefully observed in both wheels to determine its balance and it was found in the front wheels that with an Ixx value of 96% in relation to the reference and an out-of-balance moment of 215 g·mm at a 26° tilt, the wheel is extremely near to the ideal balance - the rear wheels were found with a slightly higher value, but remain showing a value that is near to the ideal balance as well.

Spokes and Hubs Mechanical Properties

Spoke Performance

Stainless steel pillar wing spokes from Sapim used in the NxT SL2 wheelset have a chord of 2.4mm and thickness of 1.2mm. Each of the 12 spokes on the left and right sides had its spoke tension measured separately. Every measurement has a delta value that indicates how much it deviates from the mean. Both right and left sides of the front wheel show little deviation, pointing to a great level of uniformity that ensures excellent durability and performance.
The right and left sides of the rear wheel were measured in the same manner as the front wheel, and shows slightly higher deviation but remains within the value that ensures consistency. Higher tension and deviation is commonly found among rear wheel as it is to cope with the additional pressure by braking and power transfer.

Hub Performance

The performance of the hub was determined by its vibration and bearing quality, with various frequency tests to ensure that bearings are working under acceptable conditions. The following chart suggest that no major defects are found within the bearings and the hubs are performing in great condition - with extremely few to no signs of severe failure or wear.
In addition, the hub and freehub shell bearings tolerance indicates that the bearings are within operational condition, with minor variations remaining within the acceptable range - promising longevity and dependable rotating performance.

Aerodynamic Performance

According to the "Sweep" curves, the wheelset retains low drag between 0° and ±5° yaw. Since many riders spend most of their time in mild crosswind conditions, this is essential for real-world riding.
As the yaw angle rises, the "Sweep" curves in front and back both softly slope. This suggests a stable wheel design that won't experience unexpected handling or abrupt drag increases when the wind shifts.
The wheels have been built in tandem for constant performance, as evidenced by the front and rear curves appearing largely comparable. Stable bike handling and efficiency are maintained by a balanced front and back aerodynamic profile.

What Does This All Mean?

With all the results of the test showing little deviation and values that fall within acceptable ranges, it is safe to say that the SAT C60 DB PRO NxT SL2 performs spectacularly and has high promises of durability and excellent performance.
  • The wheelset demonstrates an optimal balance that promises performance.
  • The spoke shows a high level of uniformity, ensuring the wheelset's lifespan and its ability to handle tension.
  • The hubs and its bearing promises reliable rotational performance and long lifetime, ensuring its performance in the long term.
  • The wheelset is proven to have stable response to crosswinds with low drag.
The wheelset has everything you need to take on any rides, whether it is the ability to handle crosswinds or the ability to withstand massive tension. If you haven't noticed already, this should make the SAT C60 DB PRO NxT SL2 a perfect riding companion for you!

Want to see the report yourself? Click here!
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